
Enable Day-click Selection for an ASP Calendar Control

Enable Day-click Selection for an ASP Calendar Control

The following code assigns an OnClick event to each calendar cell by altering the way the calendar control renders the cells containing the days. When clicked, the calendar posts back the day number of the day that was clicked:

Sub ca_DayRender(sender As Object, e As DayRenderEventArgs)    Dim d as CalendarDay  Dim c as TableCell  Dim datOrigin as Date = "1-1-2000"  Dim strDayNum as String    d = e.Day  c = e.Cell  strDayNum = CStr(DateDiff("d", datOrigin,    If d.IsOtherMonth Then    c.Controls.Clear  Else    c.Attributes.Add("OnClick", "javascript:__doPostBack('ca','" &   strDayNum & "')")  End IfEnd Sub
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