
Reverse a Numeric Value Without Using String Utilities in Java

Reverse a Numeric Value Without Using String Utilities in Java

The NumberReverse class helps to reverse a given number using int variables:

public class NumberReverse {   public static void main(String args[]) {    // enter the number to reverse eg., 5467     // (pass this as command line argument if required)    int value = 5467;   // store the original number in a temporary variable so you can   // compare it to the end value   int real = value;       int result = 0, remainder = 0, quotient = 0;   while(value>0)   {	quotient = value / 10;	remainder = value - quotient * 10;	result = remainder + result * 10; 	value= quotient;	   }   System.out.println("Result = " + result);    System.out.println("Original value = " + real); // 5467 in this case		      }}
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