
Creating a StAX Filter for XML

Creating a StAX Filter for XML

This tip creates a StAX filter using the interface. This filter accepts only characters, but you can also set the filter XML to retrieve only elements, attributes, or both:

class BasicStreamFilter implements StreamFilter{public BasicStreamFilter(){}//implement the StreamFilter.accept methodpublic boolean accept(XMLStreamReader XMLsrFilter) { if(XMLsrFilter.isCharacters())return true; else return false; }}...public class StAXBasicStreamFilter{   public StAXBasicStreamFilter(){}     public static void main(String[] args)        {        XMLInputFactory XMLif=null;        XMLStreamReader XMLsr=null;        XMLStreamReader XMLsrFilter=null;              System.setProperty("","");      //create an XMLInputFactory intanceXMLif=XMLInputFactory.newInstance();       //setting a few propertiesXMLif.setProperty("",Boolean.TRUE);XMLif.setProperty("",Boolean.TRUE);XMLif.setProperty("",Boolean.TRUE);                                           //get an XMLStreamReader objecttry{             XMLsr=XMLif.createXMLStreamReader           ("file:///C:/Data_Local/XML/",new FileReader             ("C://Data_local//XML//AutoDealer.xml"));   XMLsrFilter=XMLif.createFilteredReader(XMLsr,new BasicStreamFilter        ());              }catch( e)        {System.out.println(e.getMessage());   }catch( e)            {System.out.println(e.getMessage());}                                           ... while(XMLsrFilter.hasNext())      {                             int ev=XMLsrFilter.getEventType(); ...
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