
Create Two-Dimensional Arrays in the Heap

Create Two-Dimensional Arrays in the Heap

This code demonstrates how to create two-dimensional arrays in the heap:

// Returns a pointer-to-pointer to a newly created array// of size [row : col].int **Create2D(int row, int col){   int **p = new int* [row];   for (int j = 0; j < row; j ++)      p[j] = new int[col];   return p;}// Deletes an array pointed by 'p' that has 'row' number rowsvoid Delete2D(int **p, int row){   for (int j = 0; j < row; j ++)      delete [] p[j];   delete [] p;}int main(){   int m = 3, n = 4;   int **p = Create2D(m, n);   // some actions with p[i][j]...   Delete2D(p, m);   return 0;}
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