
Passivation/Activation of a Stateful Bean in EJB 3.0

Passivation/Activation of a Stateful Bean in EJB 3.0

As you know, the EJB container offers strong support for “save/load” the state of a stateful bean. The problem arises when you have to deal with nonserializable objects like open sockets, JDBC connections, etc. In these cases, the containter needs a little help. You can provide this by implementing two callback methods, as follows:

//passivation callback method for EJB 3.0@Statefulpublic class any_bean_name{   @PrePassivate   public void passivate(){      //here close JDBC connections, socket connections, ...      //...      }   ...}//activation callback method for EJB 3.0@Statefulpublic class any_bean_name{   @PostActivate   public void activate(){      //here open JDBC connections, socket connections, ...      //...      }   ...}
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