
Another Way to Escape Sequences in .NET Resource Files

Another Way to Escape Sequences in .NET Resource Files

This is in response to the original “Escape Sequences in .NET Resource Files, by Boris Eligulashvili.

There is actually another way to insert escape sequences, such as newline characters—or actually any Unicode character, directly into the Resource string—without resorting to Replace or similar manipulations.

First, place the cursor at the insertion point. Next, hold down the Alt key and enter the decimal value of the Unicode character, starting with 0, using the numeric keypad.

For example, to insert a newline character (u000a), hold down the Alt key while pressing 010 on the numeric keypad.

As another example, suppose you want to insert a registered (u00ae) trademark symbol. You can either use the Character Map utility or hold down Alt while entering that value in decimal from the numeric keypad (0174).

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