
Save a URL as an MHT File

Save a URL as an MHT File

To save a URL as an MHT file (Microsoft “Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension HTML”?a Web Archive File), reference the Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.7 and Microsoft CDO libraries and use the following code:

void SaveWebPageToMHTFile( string url, string filePath){   CDO.Message msg = new CDO.MessageClass();    ADODB.Stream stm = null ;   msg.MimeFormatted =true;      msg.CreateMHTMLBody(url,       CDO.CdoMHTMLFlags.cdoSuppressNone,       "" ,"" );   stm = msg.GetStream();   stm.SaveToFile(filePath,       ADODB.SaveOptionsEnum.adSaveCreateOverWrite);   msg=null;   stm.Close();}
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