
Converting Numbers to Column Names in Excel 2007

Converting Numbers to Column Names in Excel 2007

While converting to Excel 2007, I had to update the column-number-to-string code in my program to handle columns of 703 and above (AAA). I found Yassine Moe’s code and simplified it. Here are the results:

Function ExcelColNonRec(ByVal intCol As Long) As String    While (intCol > 0)        intCol = intCol - 1        ExcelColNonRec = Chr(65 + (intCol Mod 26)) + ExcelColNonRec        intCol = intCol  26    WendEnd FunctionCorresponding MFC version:CString ColumnNumberToLetter( long lColumnNumber ){	CString sColumn;	while ( lColumnNumber )	{		lColumnNumber--;		sColumn = static_cast< TCHAR >( _T( 'A' ) + ( lColumnNumber % 26 ) ) +sColumn;		lColumnNumber /= 26;	}	return ( sColumn );}

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