
Create a Color Using “&lt<” and “|” Operators

Create a Color Using “&lt<” and “|” Operators

This tip shows you how to create the RED color using the “<<" and "|" operators. After that, the color is used to fill a rectangle:

import java.awt.*;class draw_red_rect extends Frame{Color col=null;public draw_red_rect()     {     super();     }public void init()     {     setLayout(null);     setSize(100,100);     int A=255<<24;      int R=255<<16;     int G=0<<8;     int B=0<<0; //int B=0;     System.out.println("A="+A+",R="+R+",G="+G+",B="+B);     int RED=A | R | G | B;     col=new Color(RED);     System.out.println("RED="+RED+" // getRGB="+col.getRGB());     System.out.println("RED_BINAR=               "+Integer.toBinaryString(col.getRGB()));     setVisible(true);  //show();     }public void paint(Graphics g)     {            g.setColor(col);     g.fillRect(30,30,50,50);     }}public class red{     public static void main(String[] args){         draw_red_rect t=new draw_red_rect();         t.init();    }}
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