
Convert a Date to mm/dd/yyyy Format in JavaScript

Convert a Date to mm/dd/yyyy Format in JavaScript

Learn how to use a JavaScript convert date format. When you create an a Date()object in JavaScript, the value you get is something like this:

'Tue Apr 1 12:58:25 EDT 2008'

Now suppose you want to display this date in mm/dd/yyyyformat. The following code snippet provides a quick way to do this:

function formatDate(value){   return value.getMonth()+1 + "/" + value.getDate() + "/" + value.getYear();}

When this function is called with a parameter value of Tue Apr 1 12:58:25 EDT 2008, it will return the date as 4/1/2008.

Note: The getMonth() function of Date() object starts from 0 to 11, so you needs to increment it by 1to get the exact month value.

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