
Manipulate the Components of a JNDI Composite Name

Manipulate the Components of a JNDI Composite Name

This following code shows you how to list, add, and remove components from a JNDI composite name (javax.naming.CompositeName):

import javax.naming.*;class jndiCompositeName{    public static void compositeComponents(CompositeName cn)  {    for(int i=0;i<cn.size();i++)      System.out.println(cn.get(i));  }    public static void main(String[] args){    try {        CompositeName composite = new                CompositeName("cn=Anghel Leonard/ o=cv.txt");                //list all components        System.out.println("All components before any operation:");        compositeComponents(composite);                //add a new component            System.out.println("All components after                                  adding a new component:");        composite.add(2, "");         compositeComponents(composite);                //remove a new component            System.out.println("All components after                                   removing a component:");        composite.remove(1);         compositeComponents(composite);                      }catch (NamingException e)           {System.out.println(e.getMessage());}    }} 
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