
Make an Immutable Class

Make an Immutable Class

The following code shows how to make an immutable class:

package com.test;final class TestImmutable{//	instance var are made private to restrict the access  //	and final to not get reassigned	private final int var1;	private final double var2;	public TestImmutable(int paramCount,double paramValue)	{		var1= paramCount;		var2 = paramValue;	}//	Only accessors are provided i.e getters to access the variables	public int getVar1()	{		return var1;	}	public double getVar2()	{		return var2;	}}//class TestingImmutablepublic class TestingImmutable{	public static void main(String[] args)	{		TestImmutable obj1 = new TestImmutable(3,5);		System.out.println(obj1.getVar1());		System.out.println(obj1.getVar2());		// There is no other way to change the values of var1 & var2		//only accessors getVar1(),getVar2() to get the values 		// no subclassing, no public access to varX	}}
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