
Use a Validator to Validate a DOMSource

Use a Validator to Validate a DOMSource

This code snippet creates a Validator that you can use to validate an XML document represented as a DOMSource.

//create a DocumentBuilderFactory objectDBF=DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();      //activating namespaces supportDBF.setNamespaceAware(true);       //create a DocumentBuilder objectDB=DBF.newDocumentBuilder();       //get the Document from XML documentD=DB.parse(new File(XMLdoc)); //create a SchemaFactory objectSchemaFactory SF=SchemaFactory.newInstance(XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI);                      //create a Schema objectSchema S=SF.newSchema(new File("schema_name.xsd"));                                          //create a Validator objectValidator V=S.newValidator();//call validate methodV.validate(new DOMSource(D));
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