
Determine Whether a Field Exists in an ADODB.Recordset

Determine Whether a Field Exists in an ADODB.Recordset

Sometimes, you may need to perform conditional logic based on whether a field does or does not exist in a recordset. To check for the existence of a field, simply loop through the ADODB.Recordset Fields collection, looking for the specified field name:

Private Function FieldExistsInRS( _   ByRef rs As adodb.Recordset, _   ByVal fieldName As String)   Dim fld As adodb.Field       fieldName = UCase(fieldName)       For Each fld In rs.Fields      If UCase(fld.Name) = fieldName Then         FieldExistsInRS = True         Exit Function      End If   Next       FieldExistsInRS = FalseEnd Function

Usage:…If FieldExistsInRS(MyRecordset, “FieldName”) Then ‘ Do something if field existsElse ‘ Do something else if field doesn’t existEnd if

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