
Add an Image Command Field to a GridView at Runtime in ASP.NET

Add an Image Command Field to a GridView at Runtime in ASP.NET

It’s relatively easy to add an Image Command Field to a GridView programmatically. Here’s how:

// in C#if (!Page.IsPostBack){    CommandField field = new CommandField();    field.ButtonType = ButtonType.Image;    field.SelectImageUrl = "~/Images/MyPic.GIF"; //Specify image URL    field.ShowSelectButton = true;    field.HeaderText = "Select";    GridView1.Columns.Add(field);    GridView1.DataBind();}' in VB.NETIf (Not Page.IsPostBack) Then    Dim field As New CommandField()    field.ButtonType = ButtonType.Image    field.SelectImageUrl = "~/Images/MyPic.GIF" //Specify image URL    field.ShowSelectButton = True    field.HeaderText = "Select"    GridView1.Columns.Add(field)    GridView1.DataBind()End If
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