
Keep Indexes Separate From Data

Keep Indexes Separate From Data

You can boost your performance greatly by separating indexes and data onto different physical disks, which allows both the index and data to be accessed at the same time. However, in SQL Server 6.5, the only way to do this was to use the concept of segments, which complicated maintenance. In SQL Server 7, separating indexes and data is simple to do. When creating the database (or afterward, using the alter database command), simply specify two filegroups with each one on a separate physical device. When creating a table or an index, you then have the option of specifying which filegroup is to be used.For example:

 CREATE DATABASE SalesON PRIMARY( NAME = SPri1_dat,FILENAME = 'c:mssql7dataSPri1dat.mdf',SIZE = 10,MAXSIZE = 50,FILEGROWTH = 15% ),FILEGROUP Salesindex( NAME = salesindex_dat,FILENAME = 'c:mssql7datasalesindex.ndf',SIZE = 10,MAXSIZE = 50,FILEGROWTH = 5 )LOG ON( NAME = 'Sales_log',FILENAME = 'c:mssql7datasalelog.ldf',SIZE = 5MB,MAXSIZE = 25MB,FILEGROWTH = 5MB )GOCreate table account

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