
Determine the Characteristics of a Java Method

Determine the Characteristics of a Java Method

The java.lang.reflect defines a Method class that may be used to get information about a method in a Java class. Some of the main methods are:

 public native int getModifiers(); // e.g. public, private, staticpublic Class getReturnType(); // primitive or object typepublic Class getDeclaringClass (); // class that declares this Methodpublic String getName(); // string name of the methodpublic Class[] getParameterTypes(); // parameter types passed inpublic Class[] getExceptionTypes(); // exception types thrown// Invoke this Methodpublic native Object invoke(Object o, Object[] args)   throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException,                        InvocationTargetException;

The first six methods listed here can provide all the details to determine the characteristics of a Java method. You can use these methods to obtain each of the elements that go in a method declaration. For example, a typical Java method will have this syntax:

 [modifiers]   (paramType1 param1, paramType2, param2,

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