
Creating Your First Flash Animation

Creating Your First Flash Animation

ost Flash tutorials you’ve looked at are tool-centric, focusing on Flash’s individual features and how to use them (an approach that can quickly become tedious), whereas this innovative, engaging, and motivating book is uniquely user-centric. That means it concentrates on you and what you want and need to learn. Each successive lesson anticipates and builds upon your needs, capabilities, and questions as you evolve from Flash beginner to Flash master.

Chapter 3 delves into the complexities of building your very first Flash animation, including customizing movie properties, preparing your text for animation, the animation process itself, and finally, publishing your movie.

Download the PDF of Chapter 3: “Your First Animation”

Reproduced from Flash Out of the Box by permission of O’Reilly and Associates. ISBN 0596006918, copyright 2004. All rights reserved.

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