
July 24, 1997

PowerBuilder 5.0 datastores

Question: I am 90 percent done building a product catalog using PB 5.0.2 and SQL Anywhere 5.5.I just added a feature that uses a datastore to retrieve pricing information and

PowerBuilder lost scripts

Question: We are working with PB 5.0.02 Enterprise with anOracle server. The scripts are kept on a Novellserver version 4.x. We regenerate a PBL, and when we re-edit the object,one

Return values from ancestor events

Question: How can I determine the return value of an ancestor event from its descendant?For example, the PFC_addrow event of the PFC datawindow. If I were to extend this event,

Using Multiple Data Control

Question: I have two Data controls on a form, Data1 and Data2, both with data bound text boxes on the form, linked to them. Based on a common field (also

16-Bit Programs

Question: Is there ANY way to write a program in Visual Basic 5.0 for Windows 95 and then have people running Windows 3.1 be able to use it? Answer: Nope.

Sybase login creation from PB

Question: How can I create a Sybase login from a PowerBuilder front-end application using sp_addlogin? The normal way of executing stored procedures ? for example, declare procname for procedure ?