
August 9, 1997

Avoid Update Errors In Access Databases

Avoid “Couldn’t update; currently locked by user ‘name’ onmachine ‘machine’ ” error in VB4 when two or more applicationsaccess the same MS Access database table. For the given table, a

Stuck with Paste

When you use some custom controls like QuickPak Professional byCrescent it’s impossible to use the shortcut “Ctrl+V”for “Paste.” “Ctrl+V” allows you to pastetwo times the text of the clipboard. You

Unloading Out-of-Control DLLs

When I work with VB under Windows 95, I’ll often do somethingwith a program that causes Windows 95 to be unstable. Normally,I would shut down Windows 95 and restart to

Creating Inner Joins In An Access Database

This seemingly undocumented SQL table qualification syntax mightbe useful to access an external table by using the ‘IN’ keyword.I had used this ability before, but kept having trouble with joins(probably

Moving Items in a List Box

To change the item’s location by dragging the mouse in a listbox, follow this tip: Sub List1_MouseDown (Button As _ Integer, Shift As Integer, X As _ Single, Y As

Sequential Navigation of a TreeView Control

While the TreeView control with its associated Node objects isa far cry better than the VB3 Outline control, it lacks a methodfor sequentially traversing the tree, as if you were

Standard Math Problem

A program originally written using the Borland C++ Compiler hastwo problems in Visual Basic 3.0, Standard Edition. This programuses trigonometry to calculate the distance between two points,when you know their

Highlighting a Row in a Bound DBGrid

To highlight the row containing the active cell in a bound DBGrid,add the record set’s current bookmark to the grid’s SelBookmarkscollection: Private Sub DBGrid_RowColChange _ (LastRow As Variant, ByVal LastCol

Identify Networked CD Drives

The 32-bit API is much richer than the 16-bit API. However, theGetDriveType still reports networked CD drives as just a DRIVE_REMOTE(i.e., a networked drive). While true, it is not particularlyhelpful.