Const Iterators
You can think of an iterator as a pointer to elements of a container. All STL (Standard Template Library) containers provide the basic iterator type along with its const counterpart.
You can think of an iterator as a pointer to elements of a container. All STL (Standard Template Library) containers provide the basic iterator type along with its const counterpart.
You can use Dynamic HTML and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to change the color of text on the fly. This functionality can be useful for highlighting a portion of text.
Setting the SelectionMode property of the MSFlexGrid to flexSelectionByRow forces all columns in a row to be selected rather than a single cell. It also allows selection of multiple rows
Often it is desirable to set a background color for an entire layer or DIV region, much like setting the background color for a whole table. Setting a layer background
When designing a Web page that contains CSS layers (DIV sections) and embedded objects (Java applets, plugins, or ActiveX controls), keep in mind that embedded objects do not obey zIndex
Using only a few Windows API calls, you can change the standard VB5 toolbar into an Office 97 look-alike. I’ve implemented two display styles for the toolbar. The first allows
The VB Picture control can hold several different formats of pictures: BMP, DIB, ICO, CUR, WMF, and others under VB5. Additionally, you can use graphics methods to “draw” on the
To minimize the number of controls on my forms, I use a text box as a floating input control that I either overlay onto a grid or swap with a
You’ll find the IsArray() function helpful when you use Variant arrays that you can set or unset through your code and need to test often. However, once you declare the