
January 29, 1999

When Are Pointers Equal?

Pointers to objects or functions of the same type are equal if and only if in they are both NULL: int *p1 = NULL, p2 = NULL; bool equal =

C++ and Multithreading

Standard C++ does not directly address the issue of multiprocessing, threads, and thread safety. This issue is implementation dependent, which enables vendors to decide whether or not to provide multithreading

Watch Out for “()” When Calling Subroutines

To call a subroutine, you can use the Call statement or simply the name of the subroutine: Call MyRoutine(firstParameter) ‘Or MyRoutine firstParameter Notice you don’t include the parentheses in the

Collect User Requirements With Scenarios

When talking to the user or subject-matter expert about an application’s requirements, write the requirements in the form of scenarios. A scenario both defines the requirement and provides a list

Browse VB Command as You Type

When you refer to an object in VB5, you get a drop-down list of that object’s properties and methods. But, did you know that the statements and functions of the

Use the Same Name for Your Error Handlers

Older versions of VB required a unique name for your error-handler labels in order to use On Error GoTo . You had to concatenate the module name and routine name

Find Your Constant or Enum Values

I use constants for things like control-array index numbers, but it’s a hassle to keep scrolling to the top of the module to remember the constant names. If you name

Get Your Graphics Here

If you extend a few AWT classes, you will eventually want to add images to enhance their appearance. Icons for buttons and your own logo in the corner of frames