
August 27, 1999

Find the Last Modified Date of a Web Page

Microsoft’s Internet Transfer Control (MSInet.ocx) is a great tool to use to automate the Web. However, how do you know you’re looking at an updated version of a Web page?

Avoid IIf Inefficiencies

The IIf function-which returns one of two values determined by logical test-has this syntax: IIf(Expression, TruePart, FalsePart). At first, it might seem like an ideal shortcut for an If…Else…End If

Support Enumeration in Your Collection Classes

To create a collection class you can use with the For Each…Next syntax, add a subroutine that looks like this: Private myCollection As CollectionPublic Property Get NewEnum() As IUnknown Set

Make a Form Stay on Top Redux

Many routines use the SetWindowPos API to always keep a form on top. Most require the user to remember several nonintuitive arguments. I’ll not only show you how to simplify

MCI Supports Multiple CD-ROMs

The Media Control Interface (MCI) can easily support multiple CD audio devices.You simply specify the drive letter in the MCI open command. To eject the CD from any drive,first place

Speed up String Operations

It’s often faster to perform string operations with byte arrays than with 32-bit VB’s native double-byte character strings. Even when using 16-bit VB4’s single-byte character strings, it’s still often faster

Proper MouseLeave Detection

I have read many tips about using MouseMove events to create an Explorer-like coolbar look. The problem is that if your button is located close to the main form’s border

Native Registry Access Fails Under MTS

VB provides an easy way to access the Registry with the built-in GetSetting and SaveSetting functions. These functions read and write information to the HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareVB and VBA Program area of