
November 6, 1999

What is JDBC?

Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) is an API that enables Java developers to access any tabular data source (e.g relational databases) from Java code. The API comes as a set of

Hex Your Bytes to Display

Editor’s Note:This text has changed from the original version. Have you ever needed toconvert a byte array (byte []) into a displayable hex string? The JDK does notprovide this capability

Creating Classes Dynamically

One reader posted the following question: “I have two classes that have the same member functions and data members. However, the member functions perform different operations. Why can’t I do

Generate Unique String IDs

If you need unique string IDs and don’t have a sure-fire way of either generating or guaranteeing the generated ID is unique, then you need a Universally Unique ID (UUID)

Load Tree Subnodes on Demand

Here’s a quick way to drop a drive’s folder hierarchy into a TreeView control. The advantage to using this method is that folders are enumerated only when a node is

Translate Ole_Color to Actual RGB Value

Have you ever tried to pass a VB system color constant-such as vbButtonFace-to an API call that asks for a color? I frequently need to use system colors for GDI

Add Your Icon to the Add-Ins Menu

Say you’ve written a cool add-in for the VB design environment. It’s got its own menu item in the Add-Ins menu, and when you click on it, your add-in launches

Share Variables Between Multiple Apps

Sometimes it’s necessary to share variables between multiple instances of an application. For example, you might want to share a database connection. Here’s how: Create an ActiveX EXE with an