
April 28, 2000

Take Advantage of Remote Data Services

If you can be sure that your users are only running Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher, you can take advantage of Remote Data Services (RDS), now part of MDAC 2.x.

Getting Recordsets With Remote Data Services

There are basically two ways to get recordsets with Remote Data Services (RDS). You can either use the system-provided RDSServer.DataFactory object or you can write your own full-blown custom business

Encapsulate Your Code

One of the most common mistakes developers can make is to extensively use global variables. While they are sometimes necessary, global variables can cause problems in code that are both

Changing Style Attributes Dynamically

Microsoft’s IE4 supports the ability to change just about any CSS1 style attribute dynamically. To access an element’s style, use the style object property that corresponds to the style attribute.

Generating Random Numbers in Any Range

VBScript’s random number generator, Rnd, only generates random numbers between 0 and 1. If you need numbers in a different range, use the following formula: Int ((UpperBound – LowerBound +