
June 12, 2000

Location of Wizards

Question: Every time I try to use a wizard, I get the following error message: “Cannot find the Wizard Program.” The wizards are located in the same folder that I

Adding Controls to Pageframes

Question: How do I place a text box on a pageframe (or anything for that matter)? Answer: Right click the pageframe in the form designer or class designer and choose

Setting dbf File Attributes

Question: When using the following commands to modify a dbf file, I find the file is not accessible for modification: USE MODIFY STRUCTURE How do I modify the file structure?

Checking Alphanumeric Characters

Question: How do I check strings that have only alphanumeric characters? Answer: When you say alphanumeric, I assume you mean that the characters are in one of the following domains:

Querying Date Fields

Question: I have a table with column called Date, which stores date record, that was entered in smalldatetime format (e.g., 2000-06-01 00:00:00). I need to write a stored procedure that

Insert Statement Problem

Question: I am facing a problem with the following SQL stored procedure: CREATE PROCEDURE usp_CreateAdminUser /*Input Parameters for the Create Admin User */ @FullName varchar(100), @Telephone varchar(50), @Email varchar(50), @Address1

SQL Server Stored Procedures

Question: I have a stored procedure that takes a costcenterid (int) as an input parameter. The user wants to search on an unspecified number of costcenters each time. I use

Creating Tables with Variable Names

Question: Is it possible to create tables in stored procedures using a variable for the table name? For instance: declare @MyNameset @MyName = ‘dbo.Unique_Name’create table @MyName … This obviously doesn’t