
May 22, 2001

Find Unfinished Code

Never walk away from a routine that is not functionally complete but that will still compile. You might forget, or be out sick, and the module may never be finished.

How to Write Underlined Text

Interestingly, underline is not a supported font style, i.e., you cannotsay Font.UNDERLINE to draw an underlined text. The trick is to use Graphics.drawLine() method to draw a line just below

Minimizing Flicker in Animation

Flickering in animation is caused due to the default behavior ofupdate() function. This default behavior first clears the screen and then calls paint() to do the painting. Overriding the update

Who Is Using the Oracle Database?

There is a table called v$session, which is visible if you haveDBA privileges. This table contains an entry for each session connected to the Oracle database. To see who is

Alternative to Using

Use this code to notify a form that displays another form when the displayed form is closed