
August 22, 2001

FlashSound API: The Sound of Invisible Flash

ave you ever wanted to add interactive sound and backing music to a Web site but were unable to use Flash because you didn’t require any visual presentation? Now there’s

Convert an Exception StackTrace to a String

This feature will be required if you want to store exceptions in a database: import*;public class Test{ public static void main(String args[]) { String trace = exceptionToString(new Exception(A new

Using System.gc() to Force the Garbage Collector

The garbage collector works automatically, whether you request it to or not. However, it is possible to make a garbage collector request, by invoking the System.gc() method. When garbage collector

Creating a Recordset for Testing

When working with pages, the database is not always available. Sometimes, you need to access a test recordset. Here are is an example of how to create a function that

Overriding toString()

While definitely not required, overriding the toString() method in your classes will make their use much easier. Although provides basic implementation for this method, it is far from being

<fstream> Open Modes

The library defines the following open modes and file attributes: ios::app // appendios::ate // open and seek to file’s endios::binary // binary mode I/O (as opposed to text mode)ios::in //

Truncating a File Stream

Certain files need to be emptied every time an application opens them before it writes new data to them, for example, a per-session log file. One way to achieve this