Parse URLs with the System.Uri class
The Url and UrlReferrer properties of the Request ASP.NET object return a reference to the URL of the page and the URL of the page that referred to this one.
The Url and UrlReferrer properties of the Request ASP.NET object return a reference to the URL of the page and the URL of the page that referred to this one.
The new SaveAs method of the Request object saves the current HTTP request to a file, which can be very useful for logging and debugging reasons. You should pass True
The ASP.NET Response object has been greatly expanded in its capability to send output to the client browser. For example, the WriteFile method can send the contents of any text,
As in classic ASP, you can use the Server object from inside any ASP.NET application. This property returns a reference to an HttpServerUtility class.The HttpServerUtility class exposes only two properties:
Application recycling is a great feature that lets you configure an application so that ASP.NET automatically shuts it down and restarts it after a given period or a given number
n case you ask yourself how this security model can be useful, just consider if the Windows operating system could currently apply a CAS such that no code downloaded from
hat do a command shell, an online ordering system, and a report generator application have in common? Not much, really. Yet they all base their operation on an external source