
March 20, 2012

Popular Developer Calls It Quits on Android

Mobile development firm Mika Mobile has decided to stop supporting the Android platform. In a blog post, the company explained, “We spent about 20% of our total man-hours last year

Develop for Android on Android

A small group of German developers have released a beta version of AIDE, a free Android developer kit which runs on Android devices. Usually, developers need to use a PC

Developers Earn More in Certain Cities

A new survey by recruiting firm CyberCoders reveals sizeable differences in the average pay for IT workers, depending on where those workers live. For example, while a .NET developer in

Agile Adoption: Key Challenges to Scaling Up

Making the transition from legacy methodologies, such as waterfall, to Agile development seems like a no-brainer. Delivering better-quality, more efficiently developed software applications is a goal that appeals to entire