
January 12, 2024

Pebble Flow

Pebble Flow: Innovative EV-Compatible Trailer

Revealed at CES 2024, the innovative all-electric trailer Pebble Flow aims to transform family travel in the era of electric vehicles (EVs). The eco-friendly trailer, designed to accommodate up to

PDFs into Excel Spreadsheets

How to Turn PDFs into Excel Spreadsheets for Free

Excel is the best format for data-intensive projects. It allows you to instantly carry out calculations, build charts, analyze, and perform many other actions with data. When you receive documents

Solar Geoengineering Acceptance

Solar Geoengineering Gains Scientific Acceptance

Only a short time ago, mentioning solar geoengineering in scientific circles might have been seen as off-limits. However, the atmosphere has shifted, as evidenced at a recent American Geophysical Union

Speaker Intelligence

Smart Home Speaker Intelligence Stagnates

Once considered as the pinnacle of advanced technology, smart home speakers like Amazon’s Alexa and Google Assistant have observed a stagnation in their intelligence over recent years, revealing their limitations.

California EV Adoption

California EV Adoption Raises Road Funding Concerns

As electric vehicle (EV) adoption continues to grow in California, concerns regarding the potential deterioration of the state’s roadways and highways are increasing. The decline in gas-powered cars is expected

Teradek Battery Plate

Teradek Pro Battery Plate 26V Unveiled

A new 26V Gold-Mount battery adapter, the Pro Battery Plate 26V, is now available from Teradek. This will allow users to charge their Bolt 4K, Bolt 6, or Serv 4K