
Two-dimensional Arrays

Two-dimensional Arrays

Data that is in rows and columns is usually stored in 2-dimensional arrays. Two-dimensional arrays are declared by specifying the number of rows then the number of columns. Unless specified, all initial values of arrays are garbage. You can specify initial values by enclosing each row in curly braces like this:

char ticTacToeBoard[3][3] = {{'x', 'x', 'o'},                             {'o', 'o', 'x'},                             {'x', 'o', ' '}                            };

If some elements are omitted in the initialization list, they are set to zero. Write subscripts as x[row][col]. Passing over all elements of a two-dimensional array is usually done with two nested for loops.

// clear the boardfor (int row=0; row<3; row++) {   for (int col=0; col<3; col++) {      ticTacToeBoard[row][col] = ' ';   }}int  a[30][10];  // declares an int array of 30 rows and 10 columns.char ticTacToeBoard[3][3]; // three rows and three columns of chars.
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