
Methods of Class Instantiation

Methods of Class Instantiation

The following methods can be used for creating new instance of your classes, depending on your specific needs.

 import java.lang.ClassLoader;import;import;public class InstantiateClass {   testFinally newInstance() throws Exception    {   

Second: Using the ClassLoader

 	               ClassLoader loader = this.getClass().getClassLoader();	   Class c = loader.loadClass("testFinally");	   return (testFinally) c.newInstance();										    }      testFinally newInstance0() throws Exception   {

Fourth: Using the ClassLoader

    		ClassLoader loader = InstantiateClass.class.getClassLoader();   		Class c = loader.loadClass("testFinally");   		return (testFinally) c.newInstance();					    }      testFinally newInstance1() throws Exception   {

Fourth: Using the ClassLoader

    		testFinally tf = (testFinally) testFinally.class.newInstance();   		return tf;   													    }   testFinally newInstance2() throws Exception    {	    

Using the Class class

     	Class claz = Class.forName("testFinally");    	testFinally tf = (testFinally) claz.newInstance();   			return(tf);			}	testFinally newInstance3() throws Exception	 {

Using the ClassLoader

 	 	ClassLoader loader = new URLClassLoader( new URL[]  { new URL(".") } );	 	Class c = loader.loadClass("testFinally");		return( (testFinally) c.newInstance());			  	 }			public static void main(String args[]) 	{		try		{

The conventional new method

 testFinally tf0 = new testFinally();			tf0.main( new String[0] );					}		catch(Exception ex)		{ex.printStackTrace();}			   }	}

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