
Network Programming, TCP/IP Client, Get The Time

Network Programming, TCP/IP Client, Get The Time

With Java, it’s easy to write a client program that connects to a TCP/IP server to get the date and time. This is very useful for network testing.

Insert your favorite Web server name into the String named server. The program should then display the date and time at the server. However, be aware that your favorite server may not cooperate and you may need to tray another server:

 import*;import*;import java.util.*;class SocketTime01{	public static void main(String[] args){		String server = "";		int port = 13; //daytime port	try{			Socket socket = new Socket(server,port);//get socket		BufferedReader inputStream = 					new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(							socket.getInputStream()));			//Get an input stream from the socket		System.out.println(inputStream.readLine() +					" at " + server);//receive and display		socket.close();		}//end try		catch(UnknownHostException e){			System.out.println(e);			System.out.println(					"Connection Failure. Are you online?");		}//end catch UnknownHostException		catch(IOException e){System.out.println(e);}	}//end main}//end class SocketTime01
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