
Prefer Function Objects to Function Pointers

Prefer Function Objects to Function Pointers

Passing a function pointer is a common practice in event-driven systems, whereby a callback routine is invoked through a pointer. C++, however, offers a better alternative to function pointers: function objects. Using a function object instead of a pointer offers several advantages. First, your code is more resilient to changes, since the object containing the function can be modified without affecting its users. In addition, compilers can inline a function object, thereby enhancing performance even further. But perhaps the most compelling argument in favor of function objects is their genericity. A function object can embody a generic algorithm by means of a member template, something not easily accomplished with ordinary function pointers. In the following example, a function object implements a generic negation operator:

 #include  #include using namespace std;class negate {  public : template < class T > T operator()  (T t) const { return -t;} //generic negation operator };void callback(int n, const negate& neg) { //pass a function object rather than a function pointer  n = neg(n);  // invoke the overloaded () operator to negate n  cout << n;}void main() { callback(5, negate() ); //output -5}
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