
Simulate an Outlook Address Book Records Selection

Simulate an Outlook Address Book Records Selection

This tip shows how to simulate the look of an Oultlook address book records selection.

  • Open a New VB Project and add a New Form with 1 Text Box and a List Box.
  • Copy this code and you are set to go:
  •  Private Sub Text1_Change()	    	    Dim intI As Integer	    Dim strTmp As String	    	    strTmp = Text1.Text	    intI = MatchList(strTmp, List1) 'Call the Function	    	    If intI >= 0 Then	        List1.ListIndex = intI	        List1.TopIndex = intI	    End If	End Sub	Function MatchList(strIn As String, listIn As ListBox) As Integer	'------------------------------------------------------------	'Function to match the typed string from an existing list box	'NOTE : The list should be sorted	'------------------------------------------------------------	    Dim blnMatchFound As Boolean	    Dim intI As Integer	    Dim intstrLength As Integer	    Dim strFirstLetter As String	    	    intstrLength = Trim(Len(strIn))	    strFirstLetter = UCase(Left(Trim(strIn), 1))	    	    '*** Search for exact match ***	    For intI = 0 To listIn.ListCount - 1	     If Left(UCase(listIn.List(intI)), intstrLength) LikeUCase(strIn) Then	         blnMatchFound = True	         MatchList = intI	         Exit Function	     End If	    Next	    	    '*** Search for After/Before strings (if no match has beenfound) ***	    If blnMatchFound = False Then	        For intI = 0 To listIn.ListCount - 1	          If Left(UCase(listIn.List(intI)), 1) >UCase(strFirstLetter) Then	              blnMatchFound = True	              MatchList = intI	              Exit Function	          Else	              blnMatchFound = True	              MatchList = intI	          End If	        Next	    End If	    	End Function	Private Sub Form_Load()	    List1.AddItem

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