
Error Handling and Corrections

Error Handling and Corrections

The following is an example to handle errors in VB. It combines “On ErrorGoTo” and “On Error Resume Next” to handle all errors (minor orserious ones), as well as attempting to correct errors. It is very similarto the “Try {} Catch {}” structure. For very obvious errors, you may not needthis long and completed handling. Modify it accordingly.

 Function MyFunc() As Boolean    Dim bResult As Boolean        On Error GoTo EHandler' your codesEHandler:    Dim iResponse As Integer, lErr As Long    Dim szErrSource As String, szErrDesc As String    lErr = Err.Number    If lErr <> 0 Then        bResult = False        ' You may modify following 2 lines to append        ' detail information to error description & source.        szErrDesc = Err.Description        szsrouce = Err.Source        ' Define function ErrCatch to handle error or         ' prompt user the information or         ' let user to make decision.        iResponse = ErrCatch(lErr, szErrDesc, szErrSource)        Select Case iResponse            Case 0  'Resume or retry error code                Resume            Case 1  'Resume Next or continue to next code                Resume Next            Case 2  'Failure or give-up this function call                            Case Else  'Raise error or stop my application                ' cleanup                If App.StartMode = vbSModeStandalone Then                    ' End app                Else ' Automation mode				' Define your error numver, ie, 500, or 				' to get it from ErrCatch                    Err.Raise vbObjectError + 500, szErrSource, szErrDesc                End If        End Select    End If        MyFunc = bResultEnd Function
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