
Return Roman Numerals

Return Roman Numerals

This VB procedure returns decimal numbers (integers) as Roman numerals (a string), ranging from 1 to 4999. Numbers outside this range return the same number as a string. The optional parameter iStyle allows two different numerical styles: standard (4 = iv, 9 = ix, and so on) when iStyle = -1, or classical (4 = iiii, 9 = viiii, and so on) when iStyle = -2.

The variable x should make the function more efficient, although you might not notice the time saved on a fast machine:

Public Function Roman(ByVal n As Integer, _	Optional iStyle As Integer = -1) As String	If n < 1 Or n >= 5000 Then 		Roman = CStr(n)		Exit Function	End If	If iStyle <> -2 Then iStyle = -1	Dim sRtn As String, i As Integer, x As Integer	Dim r(1 To 13) As String, v(1 To 13) As Integer	r(1) = "i": v(1) = 1	r(2) = "iv": v(2) = 4	r(3) = "v": v(3) = 5	r(4) = "ix": v(4) = 9	r(5) = "x": v(5) = 10	r(6) = "xl": v(6) = 40	r(7) = "l": v(7) = 50	r(8) = "xc": v(8) = 90	r(9) = "c": v(9) = 100	r(10) = "cd": v(10) = 400	r(11) = "d": v(11) = 500	r(12) = "cm": v(12) = 900	r(13) = "m": v(13) = 1000	x = UBound(v)	sRtn = ""	Do		For i = x To LBound(v) Step iStyle			If v(i) 7lt;= n Then				sRtn = sRtn & r(i)				n = n - v(i)				x = i				Exit For			End If		Next i	Loop Until n = 0	Roman = sRtnEnd Function
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