
ArrayAvg – The average of an array of any numeric type

ArrayAvg – The average of an array of any numeric type

' The average of an array of any numeric type'' Example:'   Dim arr As Integer() = {3, 7, 8, 2, 0, 9}'   MessageBox.Show(ArrayAvg(arr))Function ArrayAvg(ByVal arr As Array) As Double    Return ArrayAvg(arr, arr.GetLowerBound(0), arr.GetUpperBound(0))End Function' This overloaded version allows you to specify which portion of the array ' should be consideredFunction ArrayAvg(ByVal arr As Array, ByVal first As Integer, _    ByVal last As Integer) As Double    Dim i As Integer    Dim sum As Double    For i = first To last        sum += CType(arr(i), Double)    Next    ' return the average    Return sum / ((last + 1) - first)End Function

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