
Create a Menu Bar with JavaFX

Create a Menu Bar with JavaFX

Here’s a JavaFX example that creates a nice menu bar. All you need is a set of images named: home_1.bmp (unpressed), home_2.bmp (pressed), news_1.bmp, news_2.bmp,contact_1.bmp, contact_2.bmp, photos_1.bmp and photos_2.bmp:

import javafx.ui.*;import javafx.ui.canvas.*;import javafx.ui.filter.*;import java.lang.System;class NiceMenu extends CompositeNode{attribute home: String;attribute news: String;attribute contact: String;attribute photos: String;}attribute NiceMenu.home = ".//images//home_1.bmp";attribute = ".//images//news_1.bmp";attribute = ".//images//contact_1.bmp";attribute = ".//images//photos_1.bmp";function NiceMenu.composeNode() = Group {    transform: []         content: [ImageView {        transform: translate(180,72)        image: Image { url: bind home }        onMouseEntered: operation(e:CanvasMouseEvent) {                             home=".//images//home_2.bmp";               }        onMouseExited: operation(e:CanvasMouseEvent) {                             home=".//images//home_1.bmp";               }    },    ImageView {        transform: translate(240,73)        image: Image { url: bind news }        onMouseEntered: operation(e:CanvasMouseEvent) {                             news=".//images//news_2.bmp";               }        onMouseExited: operation(e:CanvasMouseEvent) {                             news=".//images//news_1.bmp";               }    },    ImageView {        transform: translate(295,73)        image: Image { url: bind contact }        onMouseEntered: operation(e:CanvasMouseEvent) {                             contact=".//images//contact_2.bmp";               }        onMouseExited: operation(e:CanvasMouseEvent) {                             contact=".//images//contact_1.bmp";               }    },        ImageView {        transform: translate(473,73)        image: Image { url: bind photos }        onMouseEntered: operation(e:CanvasMouseEvent) {                             photos=".//images//photos_2.bmp";               }        onMouseExited: operation(e:CanvasMouseEvent) {                             photos=".//images//photos_1.bmp";               }        }]};//Afisarea meniului se poate face astfelFrame {    centerOnScreen: true    visible: true    height: 200    width: 1100      title: "Nice Menu"    onClose: operation() {System.exit(0);}    content: ScrollPane {                var color=Color{            red:64            green:64            blue:74        }        background: color        view: Canvas {            background: black            cursor: DEFAULT            content: NiceMenu        }    }}
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