
QuickSort—Exploiting the Principle of Exchanging Keys

QuickSort—Exploiting the Principle of Exchanging Keys

' QuickSort.  QuickSort, CombSort and ShellSort all exploit the principle of ' exchanging keys that are far apart in the list rather than adjacent.  ' QuickSort does this most elegantly and rapidly.  The approach is to choose a ' "pivot" value (ideally, the median key) and then to work from each end of the ' list toward the middle.  A key at each end is compared to the pivot and ' nothing is done if the left key is less than the pivot or the right key is ' greater.  When a left key greater than the pivot and a right key less than ' the pivot have been found, those keys (or their pointers) are swapped,'  and the process continues until the left and right pointers cross.  We then ' recursively call QuickSort on the left and right sublists until the lists are ' small (and delegate final sorting to low overhead InsertionSort).'' QuickSort does not need any auxiliary arrays, but uses a modest amount of ' stack space for recursion.  It is not stable (although its descendent Ternary ' QuickSort is).  On average, it is the fastest of the O(N log N) sorts,'  but it suffers from rare "worst case" behavior where certain input orders of ' keys cause speed to deteriorate to O(N^2).  Naive implementations of ' QuickSort that choose the middle key for pivot exhibit O(N^2) behavior on ' sorted lists.  The version of QuickSort presented here makes worst case ' behavior very unlikely by choosing the median of the first,'  last and middle keys as pivot.  Two versions are provided.  pQuickSortS is ' set up for strings and can be adapted to doubles by changing the declaration ' of array A().  QuickSortL is set up for longs, or A() can be redeclared for ' integers.  '' Reference:  Robert Sedgewick, "Implementing Quicksort Programs",'  Comm. of the ACM 21(10):847-857 (1978).'' Speed:  pQuickSortS sorts 500,000 random strings in 30.3 sec; sorts 100186 ' library call numbers in 11.3 sec; sorts 25479 dictionary words in 2.0 sec ' (random order), 1.3 sec (presorted) or 1.8 sec (reverse sorted).  QuickSortL ' sorts 500,000 random longs in 56 seconds.  Timed in Excel 2001 on an 800 mhz ' PowerBook.'' Bottom line:  contends with RadixSort for fastest; better adapted than Radix ' for non-string data, but not stable.' Usage:  Dim S1(L To R) As StringDim P1(L To R) As LongDim L1(L To R) As Long For I = L To R    S1(I) = GetRandomString()    P1(I) = I    L1(I) = GetRandomLong()Next IpQuickSortS L, R, S1, P1QuickSortL L, R, L1' CODE:Sub pQuickSortS(L As Long, R As Long, A() As String, P() As Long)    'We put "sentinel" values flanking the real keys to avoid an extra test in     ' the inner loop.    A(L - 1) = MinStr    A(R + 1) = MaxStr    'We mostly sort the list with QuickSort.    pQuickS L, R, A(), P    'Then we finish up with low overhead InsertionSort    pInsertS L, R, A(), PEnd SubSub pQuickS(L As Long, R As Long, A() As String, P() As Long)    Dim MED As Long    Dim LP As Long    Dim RP As Long    Dim Pivot As String    Dim TMP As Long        'Sublists <= 12 keys will be finished by running the whole list once thru     ' InsertionSort.    If R - L > 12 Then    'Get the median pointer...        MED = (L + R)  2    'and swap it to the leftmost position.        TMP = P(MED)        P(MED) = P(L)        P(L) = TMP    'Now compare the leftmost, next leftmost & rightmost to choose a median of     ' 3...        If A(P(L + 1)) > A(P(R)) Then            TMP = P(L + 1)            P(L + 1) = P(R)            P(R) = TMP        End If        If A(P(L)) > A(P(R)) Then            TMP = P(L)            P(L) = P(R)            P(R) = TMP        End If        If A(P(L + 1)) > A(P(L)) Then            TMP = P(L + 1)            P(L + 1) = P(L)            P(L) = TMP        End If    'and use its key as our pivot.        Pivot = A(P(L))    'Now work inward from each end.        LP = L        RP = R + 1        Do        'Scan right for a pointer whose key >= Pivot.  In case Pivot is the         ' largest key, we have        'a sentinel value of MaxStr in A(R + 1) that will end a runaway loop.          ' Using the sentinel        'avoids having a second test in the inner loop,        '  so it can be as fast as possible.            Do                LP = LP + 1            Loop While A(P(LP)) < Pivot        'Scan left for a pointer whose key <= Pivot.  Again,        '  we have a sentinel value of MinStr        'in A(L - 1) to stop the loop if Pivot is the smallest value in the         ' list.             Do                RP = RP - 1            Loop While A(P(RP)) > Pivot        'If the pointers have crossed we're done.            If RP <= LP Then Exit Do        'Otherwise, swap the pair we've identified.            TMP = P(LP)            P(LP) = P(RP)            P(RP) = TMP        Loop    'Swap the pointer of the Pivot value back into place.        TMP = P(L)        P(L) = P(RP)        P(RP) = TMP    'Sort the shorter sublist first so the recursion stack is limited to     ' logarithmic depth.        If (RP - 1) - L <= R - LP Then            pQuickS L, RP - 1, A, P            pQuickS LP, R, A, P        Else            pQuickS LP, R, A, P            pQuickS L, RP - 1, A, P        End If    End IfEnd SubSub pInsertS(L As Long, R As Long, A() As String, P() As Long)    Dim LP As Long    Dim RP As Long    Dim TMP As Long    Dim T As String        For RP = L + 1 To R        TMP = P(RP)        T = A(TMP)        For LP = RP To L + 1 Step -1            If T < A(P(LP - 1)) Then P(LP) = P(LP - 1) Else Exit For        Next LP        P(LP) = TMP    Next RPEnd SubSub QuickSortL(L As Long, R As Long, A() As Long)    A(L - 1) = MinStr    A(R + 1) = MaxStr    QuickL L, R, A    InsertL L, R, AEnd SubSub QuickL(L As Long, R As Long, A() As Long)    Dim MED As Long    Dim LP As Long    Dim RP As Long    Dim Pivot As String    Dim TMP As Long        If R - L > 12 Then        MED = (L + R)  2        TMP = A(MED)        A(MED) = A(L)        A(L) = TMP        If A(L + 1) > A(R) Then            TMP = A(L + 1)            A(L + 1) = A(R)            A(R) = TMP        End If        If A(L) > A(R) Then            TMP = A(L)            A(L) = A(R)            A(R) = TMP        End If        If A(L + 1) > A(L) Then            TMP = A(L + 1)            A(L + 1) = A(L)            A(L) = TMP        End If        Pivot = A(L)        LP = L        RP = R + 1        Do            Do                LP = LP + 1            Loop While A(LP) < Pivot            Do                RP = RP - 1            Loop While A(RP) > Pivot            If RP <= LP Then Exit Do            TMP = A(LP)            A(LP) = A(RP)            A(RP) = TMP        Loop        TMP = A(L)        A(L) = A(RP)        A(RP) = TMP        If (RP - 1) - L < R - LP Then            QuickL L, RP - 1, A            QuickL LP, R, A        Else            QuickL LP, R, A            QuickL L, RP - 1, A        End If    End IfEnd SubSub InsertL(L As Long, R As Long, A() As Long)    Dim LP As Long    Dim RP As Long    Dim TMP As Long        For RP = L + 1 To R        TMP = A(RP)        For LP = RP To L + 1 Step -1            If TMP < A(LP - 1) Then A(LP) = A(LP - 1) Else Exit For        Next LP        A(LP) = TMP    Next RPEnd Sub

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