
Print3D – Drawing a text with 3D effect

Print3D – Drawing a text with 3D effect

' Display a text with 3D effect'' g: a Graphics object' text: the text to be displayed' coords: the Point with the X and Y coordinates' col: the text color' fnt: the text font' shadowCol: the shadow color (default is black)' shadowOffsetX, shadowOffsetY: the shadow distance of shadow in pixels ' (default is 1 pixel) - can be negative to give different effect'' Example:'   Private Sub Form1_Paint(ByVal sender As Object,'  ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) Handles MyBase.Paint'      Print3D(e.Graphics, "this is a test", New Point(10, 10), Color.Red,'  Me.Font)'   End SubSub Print3D(ByVal g As Graphics, ByVal text As String, ByVal coords As Point, _    ByVal col As Color, ByVal fnt As Font)    Print3D(g, text, coords, col, fnt, Color.Black, 1, 1)End SubSub Print3D(ByVal g As Graphics, ByVal text As String, ByVal coords As Point, _    ByVal col As Color, ByVal fnt As Font, ByVal shadowCol As Color, _    ByVal shadowOffsetX As Integer, ByVal shadowOffsetY As Integer)    ' create the brush for the shadow text    Dim sbrush As New SolidBrush(shadowCol)    ' draw the shadow text    g.DrawString(text, fnt, sbrush, coords.Y + shadowOffsetX, _        coords.Y + shadowOffsetY)    sbrush.Dispose()    ' create the brush for the foreground text    Dim fbrush As New SolidBrush(col)    ' draw the foreground text    g.DrawString(text, fnt, fbrush, coords.X, coords.Y)    fbrush.Dispose()End Sub

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