
Bit Rotation for Byte, Short and Int Variables

Bit Rotation for Byte, Short and Int Variables

This is a Class to perform rotr and rotl as known in standard C implementations and a rotate with carry implementation. The technique used is to determine which bits within the variable will be affected and then calculate where those bits will wind up after the rotate. To do this we must determine the bits which will be impacted on the rotate, so we calculate a mask to use to save off the bits which will be rotated. Then we perform the rotation, then we “add” the bits back in the location where they would have been had java had a rot(l|r) with carry.

 public final class Rotate {   public static final int ROTATE_LEFT = 1;   public static final int ROTATE_RIGHT = 2;		

Calculate the mask to use to mask off the bits which will be rotated out of the variable. For example, if we are going to rotr 4 bits, the right most 4 bits will be rotated out of the variable, so the mask should be: 0x0000000F. Or, if we rotl 8 bits, then the mask should be 0xFF000000.

 	 * @param bitstorotate number of bits to rotate	 * @param direction which direction to rotate ROTATE_LEFT or ROTATE_RIGHT	 * @return the mask for masking out the bits which will be displaced in the rotate	 */	private static int calcmask(int bitstorotate, int direction)	{		int mask = 0;		int c;				if (bitstorotate == 0)			return 0;				   c = 0x80000000;	   mask = (c >> bitstorotate);	   if (direction == ROTATE_RIGHT)	   {	   	mask = (c >> (32 - bitstorotate));	   	mask = ~mask;	   }	   else	   	mask = (c >> bitstorotate);				return mask;	}		

Perform the actual rotate operation. Since all Java arithmetic occurs on int’s, I decided to have a single rotr method for all types byte, short, and int. This way a single cast is used and then the result is cast back to the necessary size when completed.

 	 * @param value the value to be rotated right	 * @param bitstorotate the number of bits to rotate right	 * @param sizet the size of the resultant value (8, 16 or 32)	 *	 * @return the value rotated right "bitstorotate" bits	 */	private static int rotr(int value, int bitstorotate, int sizet)	{		int tmprslt =0;		int mask=0;;		int target=0;				bitstorotate %= sizet;		target = value;				// determine which bits will be impacted by the rotate		mask = calcmask(bitstorotate, ROTATE_RIGHT);				// save off the bits which will be impacted		tmprslt = value & mask;      		// perform the actual rotate right		target = (value  >>> bitstorotate);      		// now rotate the saved off bits so they are in the proper place		tmprslt <<= (sizet - bitstorotate);      		// now add the saved off bits		target |= tmprslt;				// and return the result		return target;	}	private static int rotl(int value, int bitstorotate, int sizet)	{		int tmprslt =0;		int mask=0;;		int target=0;				bitstorotate %= sizet;      		// determine which bits will be impacted by the rotate		mask = calcmask(bitstorotate, ROTATE_LEFT);		// shift the mask into the correct place (i.e. if we are delaying with a byte rotate, we		// need to ensure we have the mask setup for a byte or 8 bits)		mask >>>= (32 - sizet);				// save off the affected bits		tmprslt = value & mask;				// perform the actual rotate		target = (value  << bitstorotate);				// now shift the saved off bits		tmprslt >>>= (sizet - bitstorotate);				// add the rotated bits back in (in the proper location)		target |= tmprslt;      		// now return the result		return target;	}   public static int rotr(int value, int bitstorotate)   {   	return (rotr(value, bitstorotate, 32));   }      public static short rotr(short value, int bitstorotate)   {   	short result;   	   	result = (short) rotr((0x0000ffff & value), bitstorotate, 16);   	   	return result;   }   public static byte rotr(byte value, int bitstorotate)   {   	byte result;   	   	result = (byte) rotr((0x000000ff & value), bitstorotate, 8);   	   	return result;   	   }   public static int rotl(int value, int bitstorotate)   {  	   	return(rotl(value, bitstorotate, 32));   		}   public static short rotl(short value, int bitstorotate)   {   	short result;   	   	result = (short) rotl((0x0000ffff & value), bitstorotate, 16);   	   	return result;   		}   public static byte rotl(byte value, int bitstorotate)   {   	byte result;   	   	result = (byte) rotl((0x000000ff & value), bitstorotate, 8);   	   	return result;   	   }   	public static void main(String args[])	{				System.out.println("rotl32 22, 17 result: " + Rotate.rotl(22, 17));		System.out.println("rotl16 22, 17 result: " + Rotate.rotl((short) 22, 17));				System.out.println("rotl8 22, 17 result: " + Rotate.rotl((byte) 22, 17));						System.out.println("rotr32 22, 4 result: " + Rotate.rotr(22, 4));		System.out.println("rotr16 22, 4 result: " + Rotate.rotr((short) 22, 4));		System.out.println("rotr8 22, 4 result: " + Rotate.rotr((byte) 22, 4));				System.out.println("rotr8 -128, 7 result: " + Rotate.rotr((byte) -128, 7));		System.out.println("rotr8 -1, 8 result: " + Rotate.rotr((byte) -1, 8));			}	}
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