
GetRandomArrayItem – Return a random item from an array or collection

GetRandomArrayItem – Return a random item from an array or collection

' Return a random item from a mono/bi/tri-dimensional array or collection' ' Example:'   Dim arr1 As String() = {"this is string 0", "this is string 1",'  '       "this is string 2", "this is string 3", "this is string 4"}'   Dim i As Integer'   For i = 1 To 10'       Debug.WriteLine(GetRandomArrayItem(arr1))'   Next'   Dim arr2 As String(,) = {{"this is string 0-0", "this is string 0-1"},'  '       {"this is string 1-0", "this is string 1-1"},'  '       {"this is string 2-0", "this is string 2-1"},'  '       {"this is string 3-0", "this is string 3-1"},'  '       {"this is string 4-0", "this is string 4-1"}}'   For i = 1 To 10'       Debug.WriteLine(GetRandomArrayItem(arr2))'   Next''   ' print the name of random controls on the form'   For i = 1 To 10'       Debug.WriteLine(DirectCast(GetRandomArrayItem(Me.Controls),'  Control).Name)'   NextFunction GetRandomArrayItem(ByVal coll As ICollection) As Object    Static randGen As New System.Random    ' if this is an array, convert to Array, and handle mono/bi/tri-dimensional     ' arrays    If TypeOf coll Is Array Then        Dim arr As Array = CType(coll, Array)        If arr.Rank = 1 Then            Dim minIndex0 As Integer = arr.GetLowerBound(0)            Dim maxIndex0 As Integer = arr.GetUpperBound(0)            Dim randomIndex0 As Integer = randGen.Next(minIndex0, maxIndex0 + 1)            Return arr(randomIndex0)        ElseIf arr.Rank = 2 Then            Dim minIndex0 As Integer = arr.GetLowerBound(0)            Dim maxIndex0 As Integer = arr.GetUpperBound(0)            Dim randomIndex0 As Integer = randGen.Next(minIndex0, maxIndex0 + 1)            Dim minIndex1 As Integer = arr.GetLowerBound(1)            Dim maxIndex1 As Integer = arr.GetUpperBound(1)            Dim randomIndex1 As Integer = randGen.Next(minIndex1, maxIndex1 + 1)            Return arr(randomindex0, randomIndex1)        ElseIf arr.Rank = 3 Then            Dim minIndex0 As Integer = arr.GetLowerBound(0)            Dim maxIndex0 As Integer = arr.GetUpperBound(0)            Dim randomIndex0 As Integer = randGen.Next(minIndex0, maxIndex0 + 1)            Dim minIndex1 As Integer = arr.GetLowerBound(1)            Dim maxIndex1 As Integer = arr.GetUpperBound(1)            Dim randomIndex1 As Integer = randGen.Next(minIndex1, maxIndex1 + 1)            Dim minIndex2 As Integer = arr.GetLowerBound(2)            Dim maxIndex2 As Integer = arr.GetUpperBound(2)            Dim randomIndex2 As Integer = randGen.Next(minIndex2, maxIndex2 + 1)            Return arr(randomindex0, randomIndex1, randomIndex2)        End If    Else        ' otherwise get a random element from the collection        Dim max As Integer = coll.Count        Dim randomIndex As Integer = randGen.Next(0, max)        Dim list As IList = CType(coll, IList)        Return list.Item(randomIndex)    End IfEnd Function

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