
GetSqlServerDatabases – Retrieving the name of the installed SQL Server databases

GetSqlServerDatabases – Retrieving the name of the installed SQL Server databases

' Returns an array with the installed SQL Server databases' The first param must be a valid connection string to the 'master' database' Requires Imports System.Data.SqlClient'' Example:'   Dim databases() As String = GetSqlServerDatabases( '      "server=(local); ' Database=master; user id=sa; password=;")'   Dim database As String'   For Each database In databases'       Debug.WriteLine(database)'   NextFunction GetSqlServerDatabases(ByVal masterConnString As String) As String()    Dim cn As New SqlConnection(masterConnString)    Dim databases As New ArrayList()    ' retrieve the name of all the databases from the sysdatabases table    Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("SELECT [name] FROM sysdatabases", cn)    cn.Open()    Dim reader As SqlDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader()    While reader.Read()        ' add the name to the arraylist        databases.Add(reader("name"))    End While    cn.Close()    ' retrieve and return an array of strings from the arraylist filled above    Return databases.ToArray(GetType(String))End Function

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