

Data Scraping Algorithm

New Data Scraping Algorithm Will Blow Your Mind

At a recent international technology conference, a group of prominent scientists unveiled a pioneering advancement in data scraping capable of dramatically changing the field. The developers have introduced an algorithm

Customer Service

The Rise of AI Chatbots in Customer Support

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been disrupting industries and transforming businesses for a while now. One of the most prominent use cases of AI is in customer support, where chatbots powered

Generating Gray Codes in C

This is C source code, written in the GCC platform (Ubuntu, 14.04 LTS, Linux). The code generates Gray Codes. At first a palindrome number is being generated. If we Push

Palindrome Generation

This is a code is written with the gcc platform (Ubuntu, LINUX); however, since it is C-based code, it should be portable. The listing generates a palindrome number from some

The fill() Algorithm

The algorithm fill() is declared in as follows: void fill(ForwardIterator f, ForwardIterator l, const T&); The arguments f and l mark the sequence’s beginning and end, respectively. fill() fills the