
CoDe Magazine

Windows Live Delegated APIs

he Internet provides a fantastic backbone for sharing data. For many years Microsoft’s consumer services have helped users manage an assortment of data, such as photos on Spaces and contacts

It’s an Agile World

gile software development has arrived in a big way. I know you’re probably thinking, “Wow! Rod, you are really on top of things.” I know that agile methodologies have been

Heard on .NET Rocks! Don Demsak on LINQ to XML

arl Franklin: Let’s bring on Don. Don Demsak, a.k.a. DonXML, is an independent consultant based out of New Jersey. He specializes in building enterprise applications with .NET. He’s a Microsoft

SharePoint Applied—Stsadm Is Your Friend

n this article, I’ll introduce you to my best friend in SharePoint land, Stsadm.exe. No, this article is not a reference on Stsadm, neither is it an introduction to SharePoint.