

data execution protection

Data Execution Prevention and How it Works

No matter what you do or where you work, you are likely to encounter Windows software at some point or another. Courtesy of Microsoft, Windows operating software has a massive

browse the internet anonymously

How Can You Browse the Internet Anonymously?

Cases of identity theft are common throughout the world. One of the ways criminals can access your credentials is if you access your bank account or social media accounts using


How Long Does it Take to Learn SQL?

Learning SQL, or Structured Query Language, is an important skill for anyone interested in working with databases or data analysis. But how long does it take to learn SQL? The

Shortcut to Zoom in Chrome

It’s easy to use shortcuts to zoom in Chrome. Just press the ctrl key and just scroll your mouse middle button up to zoom in and button down to zoom

Multithreading in Python

Using ThreadPoolExecutor from the concurrent.futures library, we can spin threads quickly and execute tasks in parallel. Wrap your time consuming method with the thread pool executor.. Without threading: for task