
Open Source Zone

Building Robust UIs in Mono with Gtk#

ust as Microsoft provides a native desktop UI toolkit called Windows Forms that ships with Microsoft .NET, the Mono project provides a compatible implementation of this same API, making it

Mono IDEs: Going Beyond the Command Line

ike the freely downloadable Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 SDK, the free open source Mono platform provides a number of command line utilities used to compile .NET source code and manipulate

An Introduction to Mono Development

any .NET developers, accustomed to Microsoft’s Windows-only development tools’ capabilities, are quite surprised when they learn that .NET is platform-independent. But it’s true. You can compile and execute .NET assemblies

Dig Deep into Python Internals, Part 2

his article is the second in a two-part series that digs deep to explore the fascinating new-style Python object model, which was introduced in Python 2.2 and improved in 2.3

Dig Deep into Python Internals

his article is the first in a two-part series that will dig deep to explore the fascinating new-style Python object model, which was introduced in Python 2.2 and improved in

A Linux Distribution Comparison Matrix

any people have written about the disjunctive nature of Linux distributions?and the problems involved in differentiating among all the various distributions that exist. Questions experts routinely hear are “Which Linux

Accessing PostgreSQL with Python and Psycopg2

s an open source database, PostgreSQL has one of the largest libraries of Application Programmable Interfaces (APIs) available, letting you access it easily from various languages. One such language is