
ethical hacking

How to Become an Ethical Hacker?

Ethical hacking is the process of executing duplicative actions and strategies of malicious attacks for some technology to figure out the weaknesses of that technology & software. Today’s world is

data execution protection

Data Execution Prevention and How it Works

No matter what you do or where you work, you are likely to encounter Windows software at some point or another. Courtesy of Microsoft, Windows operating software has a massive

browse the internet anonymously

How Can You Browse the Internet Anonymously?

Cases of identity theft are common throughout the world. One of the ways criminals can access your credentials is if you access your bank account or social media accounts using

shadow IT problems

5 Tips to Solve Your Shadow IT Problem

Does your company have a known shadow IT problem? If you think you’re in the clear, think again. Most organizations have a shadow IT problem, even if they aren’t aware